Thursday 29 September 2011


I didn't get a chance to post last night as I wasn't feeling very well and thought it would be best for my body to go to bed. The children and I have been fighting a cold most of the week so we've all been a little bit miserable.

Today was an interesting one. I didn't have any breakfast this morning as I had an abdominal ultrasound I had scheduled and was required to fast for at least six hours. For those that are curious, because I know I would be, at my physical yesterday my doctor said that my spleen felt enlarged but she wanted to double check with an ultrasound. I'm relieved to say that my spleen is just fine - thank you God! I was starving by this point (it was already 11:15 am) so as soon as I left the ultrasound clinic I headed downstairs to the pharmacy and purchased a Key Lime Pie flavoured Larabar. That Larabar was FANTASTIC! I don't know whether it was the hunger or the relief that I didn't have splenomegaly (an enlarged spleen - I just had to use the correct term because it sounds so mysterious), perhaps both, but it completely satisfied me!

Let me tell you now that I have the most amazing friends in the world and I am grateful! Two of them looked after my two youngest today while I was at the appointment. When I returned they had made lunch for us - a delicious fresh veggie stir fry over a bed of rice. Thank you for everything you two - your love and support means more to me than you'll ever know!

I was so inspired by lunch and had some veggies and tofu to use up in the fridge, so I decided to make a stir fry for dinner as well. The stir fry I made was a little different in flavour as I used some alternate veggies and spices to flavour it (my secret ingredient for this stir fry was curry powder), but I loved it all the same. I tried out some brown jasmine rice I had bought the other day and thought it was surprisingly good. 

I love extra firm tofu pan-fried with a bit of salt and pepper on it. I think the key to having it as part of a stir fry meal is to keep it separate from the stir fry when you are cooking it. I always pan fry the tofu first and set it aside, then I cook the veggies. I add the tofu to the meal as a garnish, otherwise I find it loses it's crispiness! 

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