Tuesday 27 September 2011

A Wonderful and Supportive Husband

I was asked by a friend last week why vegans can't eat regular margarine. The answer, as I've discovered by reading the labels of various margarine containers, is that regular margarine contains whey (the liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained). There may well be other ingredients that are not vegan friendly but as soon as I saw whey on the ingredients list, I put the margarine down. While I'm on the topic of vegan margarine I have to stress that I am continuing to love the Becel Vegan margarine and would definitely recommend it.

My husband is so helpful in the mornings. Thanks to him all of us were fed before we walked out the door today. I had another toasted tomato sandwich, but this time it included guacamole. I usually make my own guacamole but when we were at Costco the other day my husband picked some up. The brand we tried this time was called Wholly Guacamole. It's amazing and I especially appreciate that every box contains four separate compartments. I'm not normally into extra packaging but this is one instance where it makes sense because guacamole is far less attractive to eat when it has turned dark green/grey from sitting in an over-sized container for too long. 

Lunch was another wrap that my daughter and I shared. It had the last of our tandoori hummus that I made using Victorian Epicure seasoning, spinach, yellow peppers, orange peppers and tomatoes from the garden.

We also decided to try some Amy's Organic Lentil soup. I have to say that right now I'm feeling like a hypocrite as just a few days ago I mentioned in a post that I don't typically like using canned items. While this is still the truth, it must be declared that our soup was pretty darn good!

Tonight we had leftover enchiladas and green rice for dinner. The green rice this evening was hot from the jalapeno peppers. I didn't use any more peppers than I normally do but these ones were super-spicy!

I'd like to close today's post by thanking my husband. He has been so incredibly supportive through this journey and very committed to the challenge. While he is always 110% committed to something once he takes it on, I have been both impressed and touched by his enthusiasm during this entire process. Thank you, my love.

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