Monday 12 September 2011

Terribly Troubled Taste Buds

My taste buds are definitely off today - everything tastes disgusting!

I purchased a sugar-free caramel americano this morning while my daughter was at preschool - it was nasty. I generally stay away from sugar-free flavourings because I find they have an undesirable after-taste and often give me a sore throat, but today I thought I would try one. I had three sips and couldn't continue drinking.

Dinner tonight was a "leftovers" meal again. This time I tried to make the burritos more child friendly by adding Daiya cheddar style shreds and Tofutti Sour Supreme. I have used the Daiya cheese substitute before in a macaroni and cheese recipe and found it to be okay. Today with the burritos the cheese didn't really work out. I love cheese and for me there really is no substitute, I'm going to leave it at that.

As for the sour cream substitute, it claims that it's "better than sour cream" which I personally don't find to be true. I think I'll just be nice and say that, for today anyway, it's not good eats for me.

I even had a hard time eating the leftovers of Summertime Succotash tonight, which leads me to believe that what is off tonight is really just me. My mother has always told me that if everyone around you seems to be the problem then it's time to look at yourself . . . I think she might be right.

The one silver-lining in the clouds today were the beautiful cherry tomatoes I picked up at Amaranth. Yay for fresh produce!

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