Sunday 11 September 2011


Our fridge is so full of leftovers. Much of the food we've been preparing is fresh and is best eaten fresh and therefore won't freeze well. This is a bit of a problem when preparing double of everything. I have, however, been able to freeze our soup leftovers which is nice as we move towards autumn - the best season of all.

I'm sad to say that today we had a breach of the vegan policy by our children. Today was the first day of Sunday School at the church we attend. To celebrate the start of a new year the church hosted ice cream and cookies at the end of the service. Our children were pining for both despite the fact that I had brought them a separate vegan friendly snack in anticipation of the ice cream and cookies. They were able to wear me down - I caved in and let them have the ice cream, but no cookies.

Today we had some friends over for dinner. They live in the same community we do and their children are fairly similar in age to ours so it's great to have the children play together while we catch up. Tonight we provided appetizers and dinner while they provided dessert. We had more corn salsa and chips, beautiful yellow, purple and orange carrots from Hotchkiss Farms (located in Rocky View, Alberta) we had purchased at Amaranth the other day, tomatoes, hummus, blueberries and pecans. My husband also made a fresh juice called the Atomizer from Rebar - it's an odd colour of green but who knew that cucumber, apple and pineapple would taste so good together!?!

For dinner we had a leaf lettuce salad, lentil soup and some fresh Rosemary Garlic Foccacia, also from Rebar. We changed the recipe up a bit and substituted some of the unbleached flour for spelt flour. We also used Sucanat rather than refined sugar.

Dessert was fantastic - it was vegan date squares and strawberries. My friend loves date squares and made up her own recipe - good job! It was very yummy and I'm grateful for the leftovers. I loved the dessert so much that I have been inspired to make some date squares and plan to do so in the next few days some time. Perhaps this will be a great project for my daughter and I while my oldest is at school and my youngest is napping.  My daughter loves to help out in the kitchen!

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