Wednesday 21 September 2011


I want to start today's blog by telling everyone how much energy I have right now - I have TONS! When I was younger I would just be coming alive at this time of night (it's around 10:45 pm right now). I have always been a night-owl and have had a hard time going to sleep since I was a young child. Since the birth of our youngest just over four months ago, I have been exhausted. Nearly every night in the last four months I have wanted to go to bed close to 9 pm. I never do. I always feel I can't go to bed because I want to get some cleaning done - I hate waking up to a dirty house and have felt that losing sleep to clean a dirty house is almost always worth it.

Tonight I went to the gym with a friend and felt energized both during and after the workout. At the end of the workout I felt like I could take on the world. I thought to myself "why can't I feel this great all the time?". Is this my change in diet starting to take over? Is it an attitude shift? I don't know the answer, perhaps it's both and then some. All I know in this moment is that I feel terrific and want to tell the world!

Today, if you'll remember from yesterday's post, I was determined to provide a kid friendly meal for dinner. I decided on burgers and fries. I chose the menu just today and knew that I wanted to make a vegan black bean burger but had not chosen a specific recipe. When I went to CO-OP this morning I picked up a can of black beans. I need to pause here and say that I really don't like using canned goods because they are full of sodium and usually make beans and veggies kind of mushy, not to mention the whole BPA issue. I decided to pick up the can of beans because I had not soaked any the night before and was running low on time.

When I got home I discovered that the few recipes I had for black bean burgers included ingredients that I was lacking in my pantry. I started surfing the web for vegan black bean burgers and couldn't find anything highly rated that met my ingredients list so I decided to wing it.

I was very impressed with how the burgers tasted. My only complaint was that the patties were very soft and squishy when you compressed both sides of the burger together. The patty was very similar to a bean paste. A new product that I tried in the patty was an egg replacer. I honestly can't tell if it made much of a difference to the recipe, but I can tell you that the patties didn't fall apart. The fries were some potatoes I cut up into wedges and seasoned with herbs and olive oil.

Our oldest son loved the meal but this time our daughter didn't. Oh well, I guess you can't please everyone all the time!

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