Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Little Bit of Disillusionment

So where do I begin today? Oh, right - I'm starving! I really don't want to dwell on this small, simple fact, but it's true.

I've come to the conclusion that I didn't eat enough food yesterday. I almost always have a snack about an hour before I go to bed but last night I didn't. I wanted to see what would happen if I skipped my usual huge bowl of popcorn - the results were less than desirable. I know some people say "don't eat for at least three hours before you go to bed or your metabolism will be trashed" or "you'll have terrible nightmares if you eat just before bedtime". I say HOGWASH to all of that! I woke up this morning with my jaw clenched from a rather unusual dream where Mike was cooking the kids and I a creamy meatball soup - there's a nightmare if I've ever heard one!

As a result of my starvation, I decided to start my day off right with half of a burrito left over from last night rather than a bowl of cereal with nutty milk.  This was a much more satisfying meal and held me over until lunch time, with the exception of some fresh fruit I had at a friend's house.

Lunch was great. We had a sandwich with Original Vegenaise by Earth Island, hummus, avocado, spinach and roasted tomato - it was delicious! My oldest son didn't think so, apparently he would rather go hungry than eat that sandwich.  He came home with three quarters of it remaining.

Dinner was less than a hit for my husband and I, but strangely enough the kids loved it! I couldn't decide on any particular recipe from the books in front of me at the time, so decided I would wing it and try to come up with my own dish in hopes of finding excellence while cleaning out my fridge. Imagine: bow-tie pasta, shallots, left over tapenade without anchovies, tomatoes (field and beautiful cherry and grape organic tomatoes that were red, orange and yellow - I wish I'd gotten a picture), spinach, tofu and purple beans. Sounds colourful and appetizing right? It was almost flavourless and really all I wanted to do was cover it in cheese and salt.

I've learned my lesson from yesterday - eat an evening snack! While typing this up I have been eating popcorn with a vegan margarine, garlic, sage, chili and cayenne . . . so much for mindful eating in this moment!


  1. Stick with it Amber! There's always a period of adjustment when you start something new. Being Vegan doesn't mean starving. Perhaps look for some different snack ideas that you could prepare in bulk. You'll find a way to make it work!

  2. Thank you, Paint It Blue! Have you considered a career in motivational speaking?
