Monday 19 September 2011

Tears, Tears and More Tears

So we are almost half way through our vegan trial and I think the reviews are mixed.

Personally, I'm feeling great both physically and emotionally. I don't feel bloated, my digestive system is extremely regular, the weight loss has been welcoming and my conscience is clear. I feel passion and ease in my heart about making wholesome food choices for my family while not harming animals. My husband says he feels fine - he feels satisfied and content with the food options and meal planning. Cravings for him seem to be non-existent and we both agree that when we go to a grocery store we are not tempted by any of the meat and dairy products.

Our daughter is doing well on the trial and rarely complains about the food we offer. She is always willing to try new and unusual foods. Our son, while he does eat the vast majority of what we offer, complains about the food frequently. What to do???

Today I tried some Yves Veggie Ham and was very pleasantly surprised. It didn't taste like real ham of course, but the essence was there. I would definitely recommend this product as a substitute for a traditional deli meat sandwich. My only word of caution is to not have too much as it's still quite high in sodium.

For dinner this evening we tried Quinoa with Basil and Pine Nuts out of The Kind Diet. I thought all the flavours were nice together and particularly enjoyed the basil. Our oldest son cried for about 20 minutes at the dinner table and kept telling us he didn't like it, even though he hadn't touched it yet.

My husband and I are seriously contemplating changing our son's challenge to a vegetarian challenge, rather than a vegan one. If we do this we will of course do the same for our daughter as she will no doubt want to eat and drink the same things as her brother. Hmmm . . . . I guess we'll sleep on it.

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