Thursday 8 September 2011


I have a terrible headache. I actually had to push myself to sit down and write this post, but I'm happy I'm here doing it - I wanted to record all of the good and bad moments so that people have an idea of what they are getting into if they decide to give a Vegan challenge a try. My husband and I both have headaches today and have looked online to find the culprit.  One possibility is that we are in sugar withdrawal.  If anyone else reading this blog has encountered this, I'd love to hear from you. Apparently the sugar withdrawal can last up to two weeks - let's hope this doesn't happen as I feel like I'm in a fog!

I'm happy to report that food today was the best it's been so far! We started the day off with watermelon and some banana-wheat germ muffins, a recipe from Veganomicon. The muffins were good but I added carob chips to the top of the muffins in place of chocolate chips. Honestly, nothing can replace the yummy goodness of a traditional chocolate chip.  The carob chips didn't even soften in the oven.

Lunch was cantaloupe and leftover burritos from two days ago with pasta from last night.

Dinner was a marathon to put together as I started cooking it this morning and periodically worked on it throughout the day as time allowed. I made Rebar's Quinoa Corn Salad and Williams-Sonoma's Lentil Soup. Both recipes are excellent and were chosen because I knew they'd be a hit with the kids. Our oldest son exceeded our expectations with three helpings of the salad and even polished off his bowl of soup - this is the best success we've had with his meals in three days!

My husband is home from work tomorrow so I'm quite excited to have a meal-planning companion.  The kids are going to my mom's for dinner tomorrow night so she will be on her own to come up with a vegan friendly meal that the kids will want to eat. Good luck, Mom!

As for us, we need to find a Vegan-friendly restaurant in South Calgary... any suggestions?

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