Tuesday 13 September 2011


I must start today's post with my confession. Last night there was an infraction while attending a book club meeting at a neighbour's house. I had three rum balls. I couldn't help it - they were calling my name! I can assure you the rum balls were very small, which makes me feel a little less guilty, but they had sugar in them all the same!

Today was much better than yesterday. We started the day with toast and almond butter. I love nut butters - peanut, almond, cashew, etc. We tend to have toast with one of the butters just mentioned for breakfast quite frequently because I find them satisfying and nutritious. When I was growing up we always had peanut butter, but it was the less than ideal type - it was always filled with lots of sugar and salt. The only types we allow in our house are the "natural" nut butters with no added salt or sugar. For those of you who have not tried these fabulous products, I highly recommend them. If you are worried that they won't be sweet enough for you, try adding a very small bit of maple syrup to the spread or even a no sugar added fruit spread.

Lunch was a wrap with some red pepper hummus, kale, spinach, pine nuts, avocado, red pepper orange slices and the maple-chipotle vinaigrette previously mentioned. I love wraps with fresh ingredients, you just feel so good afterwards!

This afternoon my daughter and I made some date-fig squares. We put together our own recipe using ingredients we had waiting to be used up in our pantry. I love playing with recipes and coming up with my own - there is something exciting to me about getting the creative juices flowing. One of things I often challenge myself to do when I attempt to follow any recipe is to make it "healthier" by using a whole grain flour, a refined sugar alternative, using less sweetener or even by adding additional or alternate fruits or veggies.

Dinner was a veggie ground round tomato sauce with lots of veggies that I whipped up this afternoon along with some angel hair pasta. This meal was a hit with everyone, including myself . . . no taste-bud trouble today!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that after an infraction the 30 days starts again, for ALL family members!
