Monday 26 September 2011

Pesto Pasta

This is a short post as I'm planning to head to bed very soon. I'm sure this is a shocker for anyone reading this who knows me personally - I'm a night owl and always have been! I thought it would be a good idea this week to get up early in the mornings to be a bit more prepared rather than running around like a mad woman. It's a busy week and I don't want to miss a thing!

Food today was good. This evening's dinner was a bit of an experiment inspired by dinner at our friend's house on the weekend. I decided to try to replicate the vegan pesto with rice pasta that she had made. I used Rizopia brown rice pasta. I really like this pasta, as long as it's not over-cooked, as it seems to hold its firmness well. If you like your pasta al dente, this is the pasta for you. It's wheat and gluten free as well. Once the pasta was cooked I added the pesto and some chopped kalamata olives, one red pepper and a tomato from the garden. I reheated everything in the pot and plated it with some mixed greens on the side. The dish was a hit with us adults but not so much with the children - just as my husband had predicted!

This is a garlic super-power dish so I shall apologize in advance to anyone I'm coming in contact with during the next few days . . . I'm terribly sorry!

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