Tuesday 20 September 2011

Shine It On

So my husband and I have decided that for the time being we are going to keep our children on the vegan challenge. Our plan of attack is to focus our efforts on kid-friendly meals. I've said so many times to my son "If you don't like what I'm making you to eat, what would you like instead?". He always replies that he doesn't know what he wants. We've just decided that we're going back to typical children's cuisine - burgers and fries, tacos, mac'n cheese, etc. but this time they will be vegan and it will be healthy!

Now, on to how our day went . . .

We had the typical breakfast foods including bananas, cereal, toast with peanut butter and fruit spread.

Lunch was a Silver Hills bagel sandwich again using Yves Veggie Ham, Tofutti American cheese slices, hummus, tomatoes, spinach and guacamole. I have to say that the cheese slices, upon closer inspection, are actually pretty good. I wouldn't eat them on their own as a snack but they definitely work well in a sandwich. Our oldest son loves meals like this and actually wanted a repeat of this for dinner as well . . . too bad we didn't oblige.

Dinner was a desperate attempt to put together something healthy and satisfying. I decided to make a pasta salad using some kamut pasta, sprouted bean trio, tomatoes from my garden, a red pepper, a yellow pepper, chives, Vegenaise, dijon mustard, dill, salt and pepper. The salad was very fresh tasting and the kamut pasta had a flavour that reminded me a bit of cinnamon. My husband, daughter and I loved it - our son did not.

Thank you to everyone who sent encouraging words and recipes my way in the last day. Your support to make this process a little easier for our oldest son is very touching. Even though life is becoming increasingly busy this month for all of us, I am committed to trying to find recipes that our children will find exciting as well. Wish me luck!

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