Sunday 25 September 2011

A Night Out

It was another very busy and enjoyable weekend for our family.

Yesterday morning started off with another toasted tomato sandwich but this time it also included some avocado and mixed greens. I love avocado, though perhaps a bit too much. The last three days I have been eating them quite a bit and I'm sad to say that I've been having diarrhea - sorry for those that are shock by me writing about diarrhea, but one of my intentions for this blog is to give a truthful account of my experience!

Lunch was half of a leftover veggie burger and some chili potato wedges.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Chapters and purchased a housewarming gift for some friends that are mostly vegan. We decided on a lovely looking cookbook named La Dolce Vegan: Vegan Livin' Made Easy by Sarah Kramer. We had committed to bringing dessert to our friend's house last night and decided that it might be fun to start them off with their cookbook by making a dessert out of it for everyone to enjoy. We decided on the peanut butter cupcakes (sorry, I don't remember the exact name for them). We made a few extra baby cupcakes to sample before we headed to their place and I thought they were tasty.

The children ate dinner first - they had a sweet potato and black bean salad and a vegan Enchilada Bake from - both were great. We ate our meal after the children went to sleep and it was excellent! Dinner was BBQ'd asparagus, sweet potato and black bean salad and an amazing rice pasta dish with red peppers, olives and home-made vegan pesto. The sauce was so good I started to lick the serving spoons and bowl, I couldn't help it.

I started today off with a piece of toast with peanut butter. I threw together an iced coffee right after breakfast as the children and I were heading off to Bowness Park and it was going to be very warm out.

Lunch was tomato-basil soup that we pulled out of the freezer and leftover pasta salad from days ago. The pasta salad is quite old so I sure hope I don't get sick from it. One of the things I can't stand is throwing food out so I try very hard to eat all of the food that comes in to our house. 

Dinner was my rendition of the PETA Enchilada Bake and carrot salad. I thought the Enchilada Bake was better at our friend's house last night, but our's was a close second!

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