Friday 16 September 2011

Feeling Great

The morning I started my vegan challenge I weighed myself on the advice of a friend who suggested I should keep track of my weight during this process. I'm glad I did - this morning I stepped on the scale to see where things were at - I've lost five pounds! I'm shocked, to say the least. I could feel that my clothes were a bit loose on me, but kept thinking it was due to them stretching out after having recently purchased them  . . . clearly I was delusional. I'm honestly over-joyed, I'd be lying if I said otherwise. I had my youngest child nearly four months ago and found that I had lost a bit of the weight but seemed to be at a stand-still with nearly 20 pounds left to lose. I was in no hurry to drop all the weight right away because I didn't want to compromise my milk supply . . . yes, I'm breast-feeding. After I has my daughter the weight just flew off my body, but my milk supply was terrible - I don't want that to happen again! Here's hoping that my milk supply remains plentiful while I continue my vegan journey.

Today I popped into Amaranth again to stock up on a few items for the weekend. One thing I thought I would try was the package of "Soy American Flavored Slices". Oh my gosh, they certainly leave a lot to be desired. My daughter, however, loved them and I'm beginning to think she really has a palate for a vegan diet!

Breakfast was the usual cereal and toast with peanut butter and fruit spread.

For lunch my daughter and I both finished the remainder of the pasta and veggie ground round tomato sauce. My oldest son went to school with a sandwich and barely touched any of it - I think he's caught on to the fake turkey meat I was putting into them. He said he also didn't like the tomatoes (which are from my garden - what's with that???) and the avocado.

Dinner included more green rice. I also added snap peas and pan-fried tofu (yummy) to the dinner. Both children loved it and polished it off!

For my evening snack tonight I'm going to have some popcorn. Normally I don't think I would pile on the carbs during the evening after having so many of them during the day, but hey, I seem to be getting away with it!

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