Thursday 22 September 2011

Being Different

Sometimes it's just not popular to be different, or so I've discovered. I was talking with my mother and brother today about our plans for Thanksgiving coming up in a few weeks. Every year we get together as a family along with some family friends. It's a tradition we've had for at least two decades and have done this for Christmas and Easter as well. It was decided during our conversation that since our family friends had hosted Christmas and my mother had hosted Easter, it was our turn (my husband and I) to host Thanksgiving. I told my mother and brother that it was a fantastic idea and that I couldn't wait. I then proceeded to tell them that Alicia Silverstone's book, The Kind Diet, had some great looking vegan recipes and that I thought the Thanksgiving Tofu recipe would be the perfect alternative to cooking a turkey.

My mother's jaw dropped.

My brother said "But you'll be off your vegan thing by then - you said it was only a 30 day challenge".  To which I replied, "Well, not necessarily. The vegan challenge is going really well for me and I think I might stay on it as is or make a few adjustments if need be." My mother then proceeded to tell me that perhaps she should host Thanksgiving instead.

Disappointment. That's all I felt in that moment.

I wondered to myself "why can't they try something different?" I understand that tradition can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes I think it's nice to stir things up a bit. What's wrong with having a "traditional" meal without the turkey? Is Thanksgiving about the turkey or is really about celebrating the blessings in our lives and being with the people we love? Here I go again, it's the start of my "Save the Turkey" campaign. At least the conversation has been started. Now I just have to see if I can get everyone on board!

To my mother and brother, if you're reading this, I love you both very much!

Today I had soup for breakfast - more of the butternut squash soup out of Rebar. I finally decided to freeze the remainder of the soup. As good as it is, I just can't eat it more than five days in a row (I've been having some each day for a snack).

Lunch was also more leftovers - leftover naan bread, Quinoa with Basil and Pine Nuts from The Kind Diet, tandoori hummus with snap peas and some more pasta salad from the other night.

Dinner was leftovers as well - partially because we had them in the fridge and partially because I was very strapped for time between spending an hour and a half at the playground after school and then going to a parent-teacher interview at 5:30 pm. We had the last of the burgers from yesterday and some lentil soup. The burgers were even better today as the flavour was stronger and the texture was better - the burgers were cooked for much longer at a very low heat on the stove in a frying pan.

I didn't photograph anything from earlier today so we've just made some of our favourite popcorn to show you - Chimayo Chile Popcorn with garlic-sage "butter", from Rebar. We haven't found Chimayo chile powder, so we use the standard chili powder in it's place. I highly recommend you give this one a try!


  1. Hi there! I just wanted to say I loved reading your blog--my husband and I are about to take the challenge starting October 1st! My husband isn't sure he wants to go vegan, but I really do so I'm hoping if I present him with vegan recipes and ingredients, he will be more okay with it! (He's a chef in the Coast Guard, so cooking without milk, cheese, and eggs is throwing him off) I'm going to start a blog to chart our progress as well once I figure out what the HECK my meal plans will be for the month >< It's a little overwhelming!
    Anyway, I've prattled on about myself--my point is it's nice to find someone else who is doing this, especially with kids too! (I have an incredibly picky 2 year old and a nursing 7 month old)

  2. i started seeing a nutritionist for some medical problems. she gave me a list of food types that i should eat and the frequency with which i should eat them. that's a pretty vague plan, pretty easy to accommodate for. then i went to my in-law's house for a holiday, about 6h away from home. i brought all the things that i would need that they probably wouldn't have, and went to the store when i got there to get anything else that wouldn't travel well.

    it was a huge production when i got there. when i was preparing food everyone needed to come through and give their opinion. if there was something they didn't recognize (i try to eat a lot of chia because i'm allergic to many other seeds and nuts) they made weird faces. i wasn't even trying to cook for anyone else and i still got major attitude.

    you can't please everyone even when you're trying to, i think the best thing you can do is what's good for you!

  3. Thank you both of your comments!

    Keely, I wish you luck in your challenge and would be very interested to follow your progress, so please send the link.

    Ninjadesigns, I think you're correct - we need to do what's best for our family and perhaps, if we can, see if others to try some alternatives.

  4. Hey Amber! Here is the link =) (please excuse its emptiness for now, I will be filling it soon!)

  5. Thank you, Keely, I will definitely check it out!
