Thursday 15 September 2011

Yummy Goodness

Today the kids and I started with Silver Hills Squirrelly bread, toasted with peanut butter and fruit spread. We also had calcium and vitamin D enhanced orange juice. I love breakfasts like this because they fill me up and don't leave me looking for food an hour later.

Lunch was a soup that I made which included tomatoes, potatoes, chickpeas, carrots, onions, garlic, lemon juice, thyme, rosemary and oregano - all pureed together. The soup was okay - I think it would have been better with some "buttery" garlic croutons on top.

Dinner was delicious! We had one of my favourites - Green Rice, from Rebar of course. I do use white jasmine rice rather than brown for the dish, but it's also packed full of green veggies - spinach, jalapenos, parsley and cilantro. For those of you who don't know, I LOVE cilantro and Rebar is good at including it in a number of recipes. In addition to the Green Rice we had some nuts (pistachios, pecans and pine nuts), which is a great way to get some extra protein and fat into the diet.

Today, like all days since we've been on the vegan challenge, we had numerous snacks. Snacking for me has been the key to not going hungry and then pigging out at meal time. I have definitely been listening to my body a lot more and have not walked away from a meal feeling bloated and disgusting since the challenge began.

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