Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Pretty Fantastic Start

Day one, I'm happy to report, has been a success!  

The morning started well with flax cereal and unsweetened hemp milk. I have to say to everyone that while hemp milk is not terrible, I certainly wouldn't be the first in line to get some - it has a very nutty flavour which could be a little off-putting, depending on what you are using it with. Unfortunately, before I was able to get downstairs to the kitchen this morning, my husband decided to let our oldest son have a little taste test of all the "alternative" milks we had available. This didn't end well as our son said they didn't taste good and tasted like nuts and then decided he wanted to eat his cereal without milk. Perhaps we'll try again tomorrow. Our daughter, on the other hand, had no complaints about the unsweetened hemp milk sitting in her cereal bowl - probably because I didn't give her the option for anything else and also because she had no idea she was having a non-dairy milk.

One of the highlights for me today was the trip I took to Amaranth Whole Foods Market, located in Arbour Lake. I love going to whole food stores, especially this one - they have beautiful produce that is fresh and local and the service can't be beat. One of the ladies that works there remembers me every time I come in, asks how I'm doing, chats with me and the children and then helps carry out my groceries - I love it! Today we picked up some beautiful Hotchkiss carrots, zucchini, vegan friendly wraps, miso and purple peppers - yes, that's right, purple peppers, who knew such a thing existed? 

Lunch was simple - Maeve and I shared a Silver Hills sprouted herb and garlic bagel with home-made hummus and slow roasted tomatoes and yellow and purple carrots on the side. For an afternoon snack we were able to resist the temptation of chocolate covered almonds and biscotti at a friend's house and opted for the watermelon instead - yay for fruit!

Dinner was fantastic! Bhangra Burritos out of one of my favourite cookbooks of all time - Rebar: Modern Food Cookbook. Tonight's attempt at the recipe was my first and it was actually easier and faster than I was expecting. The children didn't seem to mind them and ate almost everything except for the potatoes . . . of all the things not to eat . . . very strange that both of them should not like them.

All in all, the day went very well. I feel better already - in my heart and in my body. Perhaps it's that I'm committed to this and that's really half the battle. One of the biggest differences I've already noticed in less than 24 hours since we began this journey is that I'm practicing mindful eating. It's wonderful to put a piece of food in your mouth and truly taste it and savour it and it's great to eat when your body tells you it's hungry and not just shove food into your mouth because it's "time to eat".


  1. That is an awesome picture of the peppers. Did you photograph it?

    Hudson passed on the "milk"... what about Mike?

  2. I did photograph the picture of the peppers. Mike had some of the milk this morning with his cereal - I'll assume he didn't mind it because he never mentioned anything to me about it.
