Wednesday 14 September 2011

Just Another Day

Not much new to report today as it was again another day of leftovers.

I had toast with almond butter and fruit spread for breakfast. For a snack a few hours later I shared some leftover Sweet Corn Salsa and sweet potato chips with my daughter.

For lunch I had another wrap but this time used Mountain Bread as my vehicle to hold all the nutritious and delicious veggies together. We buy these wraps from Costco occasionally. They are paper thin and really don't have much flavour but are guilt-free for sure - 1 wrap will run you only 72 calories, 73 mg of sodium, 0 g of sugar and 3 g of protein. Clearly there are also other numbers to take into account when deciding which wraps you want to include in your diet, but these wraps are probably the healthiest I've found.

Dinner was leftover pasta with veggie ground round tomato sauce. I had a date square a little later to help with my cravings for something sweet.

Oh, great news - my son had all of his breakfast, lunch (a sandwich, fruit and veggies and a juice box) and dinner today, I'm so pleased! 


  1. Is Costco the only place you have seen the wraps?

  2. I haven't seen the wraps any where else, sorry!
