Saturday 1 October 2011

Two Move in Another Direction . . .

Yesterday was another busy day but, then again, isn't every day a busy day with three children?

My husband, daughter and I started off with a toasted Silver Hills Herb and Garlic bagel with tomatoes and guacamole. Our son's school had a welcome back pancake breakfast so we decided to tell him he could have whatever he wanted to eat there. He chose one pancake, two sausages and some juice - he is officially done the "vegan thing" which my husband and I are both fine with.

We had some of our son's friends over during the lunch hour and so we kept it simple with some sandwiches. Clearly I must love sandwiches as we have them nearly every day it seems!

Our daughter ended her vegan challenge yesterday as well with a Kids Chocolate Milk at Starbucks. Again, this is fine as I honestly didn't expect either of them to stay on the vegan diet forever. Our daughter hasn't had any meat yet, but I will be a bit shocked if it's not in her near future.

Dinner was simple - rice with TruRoots Sprouted Bean Trio and pan fried onions, garlic, celery, peas, corn and spices (turmeric, curry powder, garlic powder, pepper and a bit of sea salt) - yummy and so refreshing!

I didn't bother to post last night as our youngest one was having a hard time getting to bed. I decided to take some time for myself and relax for a bit before heading to bed myself.

This morning's breakfast was toast with peanut and almond butters with fruit jam - simple, simple, simple! My toast was from a Pumpkin Seed Loaf while the children had toast from the Chia Flax Loaf, both from COBS Bread.

At lunch time we started with something new for us - Mochi.

We followed the recipe in Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet. For those of you that have never tried Mochi before, it's almost as hard as a rock coming out of its packaging and then it becomes very gooey when it's cooked. We didn't have the brown rice syrup the recipe called for so we used maple syrup instead. It was all quite delicious and I would certainly recommend this recipe as a snack. The maple syrup made it quite rich and would have given me a stomach ache had I eaten any more.

To accompany our lunch we shared a bun and some Veggie Chili by Yves Veggie Cuisine that we had purchased from Costco earlier in the week. I was surprised by how good it was. Lunch was a hit with everyone in the family!

Dinner was received with less enthusiasm, even by us adults. We had some veggie burgers I pulled out of the freezer that I made last week along with sweet potato fries I cut up and put in the oven. I guess we weren't really in the mood for burgers today. The children both had some milk at dinner and gulped it down quickly, making sounds of relief as they did so! We cleansed our palettes with some delicious Pineapple Coconut Frozen Dessert by Coconut Bliss - it was a pina colada dream.  

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