Wednesday 5 October 2011

Approaching the Finish Line

We made it, well almost - we still have just under two hours to go! I had no doubt that we would make it, I just wasn't sure if we would make it to the finish line with smiles on our faces or if we'd be lining up to purchase a grease-filled pizza as soon as we were done!

The verdict is that a vegan lifestyle is a terrific thing. I feel great. I'm loving the food we've been preparing and eating and I'm really savouring every bite! My husband and I have both lost approximately ten pounds each in the last 30 days - that is significant and is perhaps a bit too much too quickly, especially because I'm still breast feeding! I can tell everyone now, however, that I feel like I have filled my face these past 30 days with food, food and more food. I think we will stay mostly vegan with some vegetarian tendencies. I think a flexitarian diet for the children is probably best. As for a non-food vegan lifestyle, while I will continue to wear the leather shoes and handbag that I currently have, I plan to purchase synthetic products down the line. May I just say, I have only one purse made of leather, and only a few pairs of shoes containing leather as well!

To my surprise, I have failed to discuss in this blog the effects that a non-vegan lifestyle have on our planet, which was one of the main contributing factors to starting this "vegan thing" to begin with. While I won't get into the benefits of a vegan lifestyle for my post today, I hope to do so in the future.

Now for the topic of food today . . .

We started the day off with another healthy muffin made two nights ago. They were still really moist and were delicious warmed up with some vegan margarine.

For lunch I had more of the pink rice salad from my sister-in-law's house the other day. It was even better today than it was two days ago.

After the children went to their swimming lessons we each had a Taste of Nature bar. I had the Brazilian Nut Fiesta bar, which was both satisfying and delicious!

Dinner was veggie ground round tacos with a spinach salad and some pink rice again. I felt that while this meal was not extraordinary, it did feel like a typical weekday meal and therefore something that would be realistic for us to cook during the week. The reality is that I just can't be spending hours a day cooking food while raising three children.

I have some amazing news. Our Thanksgiving dinner is set for this Saturday and there will be approximately fourteen of us at our house, all eating a mostly vegan meal!

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